Enamorada de este tema... Inspirados en la película Breakfast at Tiffany's, la revista Utterly Engaged lo sugirió en su publicación No. 4 como tema de boda, pero creo que me gusta más como despedida de soltera, boda civil, o como tema de cumpleaños... en fin, como lo quieran utilizar, las ideas estan DIVINAS...
I am completely in love with this theme... Inspired by Breakfast at Tiffany's Utterly Engaged suggested this as a wedding theme in their Issue No. 4, but I think I like it more as a bridal shower, civil ceremony or as a birthday theme... however you want to use it, these ideas are absolutely DIVINE...
I am completely in love with this theme... Inspired by Breakfast at Tiffany's Utterly Engaged suggested this as a wedding theme in their Issue No. 4, but I think I like it more as a bridal shower, civil ceremony or as a birthday theme... however you want to use it, these ideas are absolutely DIVINE...
Mesa con fondo de flores encajadas en tablas de poliestireno forradas con tela, sillas blancas con detalle de borla negra y flor rosa... preciosas...
Table with a flower board backdrop... the flowers are pinned on a styrofoam board that has been wrapped in fabric, white chairs with black tassel and a pink rose... beautiful....
Mesa con mantel rosa y pirámide de copas de champaña... clásico...
Pink tablecloth on a round table and a champane pyramid...classic...
Floreros decorados con listón y detalle de joyería... genial...
Vases with ribbon wrapped around them decorated with jewlery...genius...
Mesa de postres IMPRESIONANTE... Mantel negro con blanco, postres sobre bases de cristal o sobre cajas de regalos envueltas con listón negro y florero decorado con collar de perlas...lindo...
IMPRESSIVE table... Black and white tablecloth, desserts are served in crystal cake plates or placed on top of wrapped gift boxes with black ribbon, and a vase decorated with a pearl necklase...cute...
...y para terminar la noche... cada invitado se va a casa con un postre envuelto con listón del típico color azúl de Tiffany's y café en vasos deshechables con funda de collar o corbata de moño...
...and to end the night... each guest goes home with dessert wrapped in typical Tiffany blue ribbon and coffee with necklace or bow tie decorated sleeves...
...and to end the night... each guest goes home with dessert wrapped in typical Tiffany blue ribbon and coffee with necklace or bow tie decorated sleeves...
Las fundas la puedes hacer tu misma... imprime la imágen o texto que quieras sobre papel opalina y la próxima vez que vayas a un café guarda la funda, úsala como patrón. Abrela y ponla sobre la imágen que imprimiste para trazarla. Recorta tu diseño y une la funda con goma de pistola.
You can make the coffee sleeves yourself... print the image or text you want to use on card stock and the next time you go to a coffee shop save the sleeve, use it as your stencil. Open it to lay flat and place it over your print out to trace. Cut out your design and secure with a hot glue gun.
You can make the coffee sleeves yourself... print the image or text you want to use on card stock and the next time you go to a coffee shop save the sleeve, use it as your stencil. Open it to lay flat and place it over your print out to trace. Cut out your design and secure with a hot glue gun.
Por cierto, si estás próxima a casarte NO TE PUEDES PERDER la revista Utterly Engaged...
By the way, if you're planning a wedding you HAVE TO SEE this magazine...
Todas las imágenes vía Utterly Engaged

2 comentarios:
me enamore!! definitivo tendre que hacer un desayuno solo para hacer esto.. amor breakfast at tiffany's y amo audrey
Un desayuno estaria excelente! Me enseñas las fotos porfis :) perachapita@gmail.com
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