Muy divertida el fin de semana pasado en la Cocina de la Sra. Mora... "Mrs. Mora's Kitchen" fue el tema que elegimos para la despedida de soltera de nuestra amiga Vivian... Entre todas le dimos una clase de cocina y estos son los detalles de la decoración... Se eligió un gallo como personaje principal y decoración de campo...
I had so much fun last weekend at Mrs. Mora's Kitchen... this was the theme that we chose for our friend Vivian's bridal shower... It was a cooking class and I wanted to share pictures of the decoration... We chose a rooster as the "main character" and the rest was sort of a "kitchen on the farm" theme...
Vasos de frascos de conservas con un moño de mecate y popotes decorados con etiquetas temáticas... inspirada por este blog...
We drank out of mason jars that were embellished with natural tiwne and straw tags with the same theme... inspired by this blog...
1. Ramo de flores hecho con bolsas de papel del supermercado Trader Joe's, inspirada en este blog... Flower bouquet made out of Trader Joe's paper bags, inspired by this blog....
2. Canasta con paliacate llena de verduras frescas y latas de El Pato... Basket filled with fresh vegetables and El Pato cans, decorated with a blue bandana...
3. Centro de Mesa de flores de campo, amarradas con mecate; los "floreros" son latas de la avena integral Mccann's... The flowers for the centerpieces were tied together with natural twine and the "vases" were Mccann's Oatmeal cans...
4. Caja de cerillos forrada con etiqueta temática... inspirada en este blog... Match box wrapped in paper with the same theme... inspired by this blog...
Foto borrosa, pero es el mandil para la festejada... Mandil de mezclilla con su futuro nombre...
The pictures is blurry, but this is the apron we made for our guest of honor... It's made out of denim and decorated with her future name...
Escribimos el menú en un pizarrón {improvisado de un lienzo pintado con pintura para pizarrón}... y la receta impresa en hojas con el mismo gallo del mandil... Como mantel usamos papel estraza...
We wrote the menu down on a chalkboard {improvised from a piece of canvas painted with chalkboard paint}... the recipe was printed out on paper with the same rooster theme... We used craft paper for our tablecloth...
La pasamos INCREIBLE, la comida DELICIOSA y conversaciones INOLVIDABLES... Felicidades Vivi ♥
We had an INCREDIBLE time, the food waas DELICIOUS and the conversation UNFORGETTABLE... Congratulations Vivi ♥
Rooster image by COUDAL PARTNERS / SUSAN EVERETT vía TheMorningNews

1 comentario:
se ve todo muy bonito! Felicidades Vivi!!!!
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