Les había comentado que asistí a una de las bodas más ESPECTACULARES que he visto. María y Marcelino se casaron el 27 de noviembre en un rancho que se encuentra a unos 45 minutos de la Ciudad de México. Lograron de una manera IMPRESIONANTE unir la belleza natural del lugar con un magno evento, lleno de sorpresas. No se dejó perder ni el más mínimo detalle, quedando todos los invitados absolutamente FELICES. Estos son los detalles, a través de las imágenes del genio en fotografía Aaron Shintaku...
I mentioned earlier that I had the pleasure to attend one of the most SPECTACULAR weddings I have ever seen. Maria and Marcelino married November 27th in a ranch about 45 minutes away from Mexico City. They successfully managed to blend the property's natural beauty with a magnificent event, full of surprises. Not even the smallest details were overlooked, leaving guests absolutely HAPPY. These are the details seen through the lens of genius photographer Aaron Shintaku...
I mentioned earlier that I had the pleasure to attend one of the most SPECTACULAR weddings I have ever seen. Maria and Marcelino married November 27th in a ranch about 45 minutes away from Mexico City. They successfully managed to blend the property's natural beauty with a magnificent event, full of surprises. Not even the smallest details were overlooked, leaving guests absolutely HAPPY. These are the details seen through the lens of genius photographer Aaron Shintaku...
La novia, que siempre le ha gustado mucho el mágico país de la India, tuvo la oportunidad de asistir hace 5 años a una boda Hindú de 10 días y quedó fascinada. De ahí nació la idea de que su boda fuera una celebración estilo Hindú. Estuvo llena de colores vivos, empezando por los colores de los saris y dhotis que portaban las damas y los pajes...
The bride has always loved India and had the opportunity to attend a 10 day Hindu wedding, and was fascinated. From there she got the idea that her wedding would one day be a Hindu style celebration. It was full of bright colors, starting by the saris and dhotis that the wedding party wore.
The bride has always loved India and had the opportunity to attend a 10 day Hindu wedding, and was fascinated. From there she got the idea that her wedding would one day be a Hindu style celebration. It was full of bright colors, starting by the saris and dhotis that the wedding party wore.
Preciosa escena... la entrada a la iglesia...
Beautiful scene... starting down the aisle...

El transporte de la iglesia al lugar de la recepción fue en carrozas guiadas por estas hermosuras...
Carriages guided by these beauties were used as transportation to and from the church...
Carriages guided by these beauties were used as transportation to and from the church...
Una de las cosas más impactantes fue caminar sobre un lago a través de un puente de acrílico para llegar a la magna carpa de la recepción...
One of the most impressive experiences was walking on an acrylic bridge over a lake in order to get to the reception tent...
One of the most impressive experiences was walking on an acrylic bridge over a lake in order to get to the reception tent...

Para recibir a los invitados... un lounge estilo Hindú. Me enamoré de las mini sillas...
Guests were received by a Hindu style lounge. I fell in love with the mini chairs...

Una pequeña orquesta amenizaba en el lounge mientras se pasaban charolas de bebidas y canapés...
In the lounge, a small orchestra played as guests enjoyed drinks and appetizers...
In the lounge, a small orchestra played as guests enjoyed drinks and appetizers...

Extraordinarias puertas de madera adornaban la entrada a la carpa y enmarcaban a la bailarina de "belly dance".
Extraordinary wood doors decorated the tent's entrance and served as a frame for the belly dancer.
Extraordinary wood doors decorated the tent's entrance and served as a frame for the belly dancer.

Una artista capturaba el momento en una pintura al óleo...
An artist captured the moment in an oil painting...
An artist captured the moment in an oil painting...

La mesa principal enmarcada por un fondo de espejos con motivos de arquitectura Hindú y una "carpa" hecha con guirnaldas de flores...
With a mirrored background, the table of honor was sitting bellow a flower canopy...
Continúa la magia en la siguiente entrada...With a mirrored background, the table of honor was sitting bellow a flower canopy...
The magic continues in the next post...

1 comentario:
No pude apreciar de un solo vistazo tanta belleza junta!!! fui y vine en cada una de las fotos...cuanto color, detalles, y buen gusto...espero tu proxima entrada..gracias por compartir!
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